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Baptornis advenus Marsh 1877 Toothed marine birds of the Late Cretaceous seasCopyright © 2008-2017 by Mike EverhartPage created 10/27/2008 - Last updated 03/02/2017LEFT: An artist's reconstruction of Baptornis advenus, adapted from Martin and Tate (1976, Fig. 20). Original artist, B. Dalzell (3-1965). Martin and Tate also noted that the digits of the feet were probably "lobed" and not webbed as shown |
Baptornis advenus Marsh 1877
Baptornis (from the Greek, literally meaning "diving bird") is an extinct genus of
flightless marine birds from the Late Cretaceous. Although the first hesperornithiform
birds (Enaliornis sp.) are known from the latter
part of the Early Cretaceous in England, the first known Baptornis remains come from Santonian age (roughly 85 million years ago) rocks
of western Kansas. The type specimen of Baptornis
fragments of a single bone called the tarsometatarsal, were discovered in the Smoky
Hill Chalk in Logan County, Kansas by O.C. Marsh’s collectors, most likely during the
1877 field season. Other, partial specimens are in the collections of the Field Museum of
Natural History, and the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History. One of the best specimens was collected by G.F.
Sternberg in the 1930s and acquired by the University of Nebraska State Museum (UNSM 20030
– Shown below).
Somewhat more primitive and about half the size of Hesperornis, the 1 m (~3 ft 4 in) Baptornis had lost the ability to fly (IF it's ancestors had flown?), and possessed only vestigial wings (upper limbs). However, unlike Hesperornis, all of the wing bones were still present, although greatly reduced in size. Baptornis swam with its large legs and feet that had long, widely spaced toes. It is uncertain if the toes of Baptornis were webbed as in Loons and ducks, or lobbed as in modern Grebes and Hesperornis. The bones of Baptornis were heavy, unlike the light, hollow bones of most flying birds. This helped Baptornis and other hesperornithiforms in diving and swimming underwater by reducing its buoyancy. Although the skull is still unknown, like other hesperornithiforms, Baptornis probably had teeth on its beak to help it catch fish and other prey. The unusually long neck of Baptornis would also have been advantageous in acquiring food. |
This new species of Baptornis was described by James
Martin and Amanda Cordes-Person from a specimen discovered some years ago by Dan Varner in the Pierre Shale of western South Dakota.
Martin, J. E. and Cordes-Person, A. 2007. A new species of the diving bird Baptornis (Ornithurae: Hesperornithiformes) from the lower Pierre Shale Group (Upper Cretaceous) of southwestern South Dakota. The Geological Society of America, Special Paper 427: 227-237. ABSTRACT: "Fossil birds are relatively rare in Cretaceous deposits of the Northern Great Plains, so the discovery of a large, new diving bird was unexpected. From marine deposits of the Niobrara Formation in Kansas small diversity of birds was known, but until now the large diving bird, Hesperornis was the only bird taxon known from the Pierre Shale Group of South Dakota. The new discovery, a partial skeleton of another diving bird, Baptornis, was secured from the Sharon Springs Formation (lower middle Campanian) of the Pierre Shale Group in Fall River County, South Dakota. The specimen is represented by vertebrae, pelvic fragments, and lower leg elements that are similar to but much more robust than Baptornis advenus from the subjacent Niobrara Formation. The new taxon is nearly twice the size of the Niobrara species, principally in robustness rather than in length of elements. Overall, the specimen represents the first occurrence of Baptornis from the Pierre Shale Group, represents a new species, and indicates greater diversity of birds from the Pierre Shale Group than was previously known." Etymology: Named for Daniel Varner who found the specimen, and for his notable contributions to paleontology in the form of artistic renderings of extinct vertebrates. |
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