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Other references about fossils from the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Sea, including: Invertebrates, sharks and fish Copyright © 2001-2014 by Mike Everhart Updated 01/11/2014 |
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PDF copies of most of my papers (2000 to present) are available on request.
Agassiz, J. L. R. 1833-1844. Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. 3: pp. vii + 390 + 32, Neuchàtel and Soleure.
Agassiz, L. 1874. Three different modes of teething among selachians. The American Naturalist, 8(3):129-135. (March issue)
Applegate, S.P. 1970. The vertebrate
fauna of the
Arratia, G., and J. Chorn. 1998. A new primitive acanthomorph fish from the Greenhorn Formation (late Cretaceous) of Nebraska. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18(2):301-314.
Barck, A. 1992. Paleontology of the Glen Rose Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Hood County, Texas. Texas Journal of Science 44(1):3-24.
Bardack, D. 1965. A new Upper Cretaceous teleost fish from Kansas. University of Kansas Paleontology Contributions. 1:1-9. (the first plethodid described from the Austin Chalk.)
Bardack, D. 1965. Anatomy and evolution of Chirocentrid fishes. University of Kansas Paleontology Contributions. Article 10, 88 pp. 2 pl.
Bardack, D. 1965. Localities of fossil vertebrates obtained from the Niobrara Formation (Cretaceous) of Kansas. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History 17(1):1-14.
Bardack, D. 1976. Paracanthopterygian and acanthopertygian fishes from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas. Fieldiana Geology, 33(20):355-374.
Bardack, D. 1968. Fossil vertebrates from the marine Cretaceous of Manitoba. Canadian Journal Earth Science 5:145-153.
Bardack, D. 1968. Belonostomus sp., the first holostean from the Austin Chalk (Cretaceous) of Texas. Journal of Paleontology 42(5):1307-1309.
Bardack, D. and G. Sprinkle. 1969. Morphology and relationships of saurocephalid fishes. Fieldiana Geology 16(12):297-340.
Bardack, D. and S. Teller-Marshall. 1980. Tselfatia, a Tethyan Cretaceous teleost; first records from North America and Yugoslavia. Journal of Paleontology 54(5):1075-1083.
Bardack, D. and S. Teller-Marshall. 1982. First Cretaceous specimens of the beryciform fish Hoplopteryx from North America and their bearing on Acanthopterygian evolution. The Pearce-Sellards Series, Texas Memorial Museum, No. 34, 14 pp.
Bardet, N., Cappetta, H., Suberbiola, X. P., Mouty, M., Al Maleh, A. K., Khrata, O., and Gannoum, N. 2000. The marine vertebrate faunas of the Late Cretaceous phosphates of Syria. Geological Magazine 137(3):269-290.
Beamon, J. C. 1999. Depositional environment and fossil biota of a thin clastic unit of the Kiowa Formation, Lower Cretaceous (Albian), McPherson County, Kansas. Unpublished MS Thesis, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS, 97 p.
Beckworth, E. G. 1854. Report of explorations for a route for the Pacific Railroad. 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, Senate Executive Document 78, vol. 2: 128 p., with 13 landscape plates. (pages 14-19 dealing with Kansas)
Beecher, C. E. 1900. On a large slab of Uintacrinus from Kansas. American Journal Science 18:23-24, 2 pl. (Specimen at Yale University, collected by H. T. Martin)
Bell, G. L., Jr. 1986. A pycnodont fish from the upper Cretaceous of Alabama. Journal of Paleontology 60(5):1120-1126, 2 figs.
Berkstresser, C. F. Jr. 1994. Development of the stratigraphic column in Kansas. Earth Sciences History, 13(2):154-159.
Betts, C. W. 1871. The Yale College expedition of 1870. Harper's New Monthly Magazine 43(257):663-671. (Oct. 1871)
Biddle, J. P. 1993. Découverte d'une faunule d'age Crétacé dans le Miocène moyen sud-quest du Bassin de Paris. Cossmanniana, No. 2 , pp. 39-42.
Bilelo, M.M. 1969.The fossil fish Lepidotes in the Paluxy Formation, north-central Texas. American Midland Naturalist 81(2): 405-411.
Bilelo, M. A. M. 1969. The fossil shark genus Squalicorax in north-central Texas. Texas Journal of Science 20(4):339-347.
Blanco-Piñón, A., Shimada, K. and González-Barba, G. 2005. Lamnoid vertebrae from the Agua Nueva Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Lower-Middle Turonian), NE Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 22(1):19-23.
Böttcher, R. and C. J. Duffin. 2000. The neoselachian shark Sphenodus from the Late Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) of Nusplingen and Egesheim (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. Ser. B., Nr. 283, 31 pp., 2 pl., 18 fig., 1 tab. <JD>
Boucot, A. J. 1990. Gastrolith mediated digestion. pp. 304-305. In Boucot, A. J., Evolutionary Paleobiology and Coevolution. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
J. and Everhart, M.J. 2010. Occurrence of the extinct Carpet shark, Orectoloboides,
in the Dakota Formation (Late
Cretaceous; Middle Cenomanian) of
J. and Everhart, M.J. 2011. Analysis of an associated Cretoxyrhina mantelli dentition
from the Late Cretaceous (Smoky Hill Chalk, Late Coniacian) of western
J., Wright, K. Lucas, S.G., Spielmann, J.A. and Pence, R. 2011. Selachians from
the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Hosta Tongue of the Point Lookout Sandstone,
Brito P. M. and P. Janvier. 2002. A ptychodontid (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Upper Cretaceous of South America. Geodiversitas 24(4):785-790.
Brown, R. W. 1940. Fossil pearls from the Colorado group of western Kansas. Washington Academy Science 30(9):365-374.
Brown, R. W. 1950. Cretaceous fish egg capsule from Kansas. Journal of Paleontology 24(5):594-600, 9 txt. fig.
Buchanan, R. 1984. Finally persuaded: The creation of the 1889 Geological Survey of Kansas. Earth Sciences History, 3(2):112-116.Ca
Buchanan, R. 1994. Erasmus Haworth and the completion of geologic reconnaissance in Kansas. Earth Sciences History, 13(2):133-137.
Buckland, W. 1830. Letter from the Rev. Dr. W. Buckland, F. R. S. &c. Professor of Mineralogy and Geology in the University of Oxford, on the discovery of coprolites in North America. Philosophical Magazine, New series. 7(41):321-323, 1 text fig. (for May; see DeKay 1830)
Caggiano, T. and M. J. Everhart. 2003. A rare occurrence of the Late Cretaceous ptychodontid shark, Ptychodus polygyrus Agassiz 1839, in the Smoky Hill Chalk Member (Niobrara Formation) of western Kansas. Kansas Academy Science Abstracts, 22:28.
Cappetta, H. 1973. Selachians from the Carlile Shale (Turonian) of South Dakota. Journal of Paleontology 47(3):504-514.
Cappetta, H. and Case, G. R. 1975. Sélacians nouveaux du Crétacé du Texas. Géobios 8(4):303-307. (New sharks from the Cretaceous of Texas)
Cappetta, H. and Case, G. R. 1987. Chondrichthyes II - Mesozoic and Cenozoic Elasmobranchii. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart and New York. 193 p., 148 fig.
Cappetta, H. and Case, G. R. 1999. Additions aux faunes de sélaciens du Crétacé du Texas (Albien superier-Campanian). Paleo Ichthyologica 9:5-111, 8 fig. 1 table, 30 pls.
Carman, K. 1929. Some foraminifera from the Niobrara and Benton Formations of Wyoming. Journal of Paleontology 3(3):309-315, 1 pl.
Case, G.R. 1965. An occurrence of the sawfish, Onchopristis dunklei, in the Upper Cretaceous of Minnesota. Journal, Minnesota Academy of Science, 32(3):183.
Case, G.R. and Cappetta, H. 1997. A new selachian fauna from the late Maastrichtian of Texas. Miinchener Geowissenschaften Abhandungen, 34:131-189.
Case, G. R., T. T. Tokaryk and D. Baird. 1990. Selachians from the Niobrara Formation of the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian) of Carrot River, Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science 27:1085-1094.
Case. G. R. and D. R. Schwimmer. 1988. Late Cretaceous fish from the Blufftown Formation (Campanian) in western Georgia. Journal of Paleontology 62(2):290-301.Cavender, T., 1966. The caudal skeleton of the Cretaceous teleosts Xiphactinus, Ichthyodectes and Gillicus, and it's bearing on their relationship with Chirocentrus. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, No. 560, 15 pages, 1 plate
Chorn, J. and Reavis, E. A., 1978. Affinities of the chondrichthyan organ-genera Listracanthus and Petrodus. University Kansas Paleontology Contr. 89:4-9.
Chorn, J. and D. Frailey, 1978. A large chondrichthyan spine, Physonemus mirabilis, from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Kansas, U.S.A. N. Jb. Geology Paläont. Mh., (7):385-392, 1 fig.
Cicimurri, D. 2000. Early Cretaceous Elasmobranchs from the Newcastle Sandstone (Albian) of Crook County, Wyoming. The Mountain Geologist, 37(3):101-107.
Cicimurri, D. 2001. Fossil Selachians from the Belle Fourche Shale (Cretaceous, Cenomanian) Black Hills Region of South Dakota and Wyoming. The Mountain Geologist, 38(4):181-192.
Cicimurri, D. 2002. Chondrichthyes from the upper part of the Minnelusa Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian: Desmoinesian), Meade County, South Dakota. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, 81:81-92.
Cicimurri, D. 2001. Cretaceous elasmobranchs of the Greenhorn Formation (Middle Cenomanian-Middle Turonian), western South Dakota. p. 27-43 in V.L. Santucci and L. McClelland (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth Fossil Resource Conference, Geologic Resources Division Technical Report, NPS/NRGRD/GRDTR-01/01.
Cicimurri, D. J. 2004. Late Cretaceous chondrichthyans from the Carlile Shale (Middle Turonian to Early Coniacian) of the Black Hills region, South Dakota and Wyoming. The Mountain Geologist 41(1):1-16.
Cicimurri, D. J., D. C. Parris and M. J. Everhart. 2008. Partial dentition of a chimaeroid fish (Chondrichthyes, Holocephali) from the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Chalk of Kansas, USA. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(1):3440.
Cobban, W. A., 1962. Baculites from the lower part of the Pierre Shale and equivalent rocks in the Western Interior. Journal of Paleontology 36(4):105-108, 1 fig. (July, 1962)
Cockerell, T. D. A., 1919. Some American Cretaceous fish scales. U. S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 120-I, pp. 165-188, pl. XXXI-XXXVI.
Cope, E. D., 1870. Second addition to the
history of the fishes of the Cretaceous of the United States. Proceedings of the American
Philosophical Society 11(82):240-244.
Cope, E. D., 1870. On the Saurodontidae. Proceedings of
the American Philosophical Society 11(85):529-538.
Cope, E. D., 1871. Saurocephalus of Harlan. American Journal
of Science ser. 3 1(5):386.
Cope, E. D., 1871. Note on Saurocephalus, Harlan. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society11(85):608.
Cope, E. D., 1871. On the fossil reptiles and fishes of the Cretaceous rocks of Kansas. Art. 6, pp. 385-424 (no figs.) of Pt. 4, Special Reports, 4th Ann. Rpt., U.S. Geological Survey Territory (Hayden), 511 p. (Cope names Portheus molossus, which was pre-empted by Xiphactinus audax Leidy 1870).
Cope, E. D., 1872. On the families of fishes of the Cretaceous formation in Kansas. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 12(88):327-357.
Cope, E. D., 1873. [On an extinct genus of saurodont fishes]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 24;280-281. (meeting of Dec. 17, 1872) Wherein Cope names of the genus Erisichthe and describes Erisichthe (Protosphyraena) nitida). <EM>
Cope, E. D., 1873. On two new species of Saurodontidae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 25:337-339. (naming of Portheus lestrio (Xiphactinus audax), Portheus gladius (Protosphyraena gladius) and Daptinus (Saurodon leanus).
Cope, E. D., 1874. Review of the vertebrata of the Cretaceous
period found west of the Mississippi River. U. S. Geological Survey Territory Bulletin
Cope, E. D., 1875. The vertebrata of the Cretaceous formations of
the West. Report, U. S. Geological Survey Territory (Hayden). 2:302 p, 57 pls.
Cope, E. D., 1877. On some new or little known reptiles and fishes of the Cretaceous No. 3 of Kansas. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 17(100):176-181. (Anogmius and Stratodus)
Cope, E. D., 1877. On the genus Erisichthe. Bulletin U. S. Geological and Geographical. Survey iii, article xx. pp. 821-823. (first description of Martinichthys)
Cope, E. D. 1878. The snout fishes of the Kansas chalk. American Naturalist 12: 128-129.
Cope, E. D., 1892. Characters of Paleozoic fishes. Proc. U.S. National Museum. 14:447-463 (Ctenacanthus amblyxiphias Cope 1891)
Cope, E. D. 1894. New or little known Paleozoic and Mesozoic fishes. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 9(4):427-448, pl. 8-20. <EM>
Corrado, C. A., D. A. Wilhelm, K. Shimada, and M. J. Everhart. 2003. A new skeleton of the Late Cretaceous lamniform shark, Cretoxyrhina mantelli, from western Kansas. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Volume 23 (Supplement to Number 3): 43A.(Abstract)
Cragin, F. W. 1895. Descriptions of the invertebrate fossils from the Comanche series in Texas, Kansas and Indian Territory. Colorado College Studies __: 49-69.
Cragin, F. W. 1894. New and little known invertebrata from the Neocomian of Kansas. The American Geologist 14(1): 1-12.
Cragin, F. W. 1895. A study of the Belvidere Beds. American Geologist 16:357-385. (Kiowa Shale, Early Cretaceous)
F.W. 1899. Buchiceras (Sphenodiscus)
belviderensis and its varieties.
David, M. L., 1996. Dental histology of Ptychodus and its implications in the phylogeny of the Ptychodontidae, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 16(suppl. to 3):30A.
DeKay, J. E., 1830. On the remains of extinct reptiles of the genera Mosasaurus and Geosaurus found in the secondary formation of New Jersey; and on the occurrence of a substance recently named coprolite by Dr. Buckland, in the same locality. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, 3:134-141.
DeKay, J. E. 1842. Part 3. Reptiles and Amphibia. Pages vi + 98 p., 23 pls., In Zoology of New York, or the New York fauna. White and Visscher, Albany. <EM> (figure of the teeth of Mosasaurus dekayi Bronn, 1833)
Dhondt, A. V. and I. Dieni, 1990. Unusual Inoceramid-spondylid association from the Cretaceous Scaglia Rossa of Passo del Brocon (Trento, N. Italy) and its palaeontological significance. Memorie di Scienze Geologiche, 42:155-187, 10 fig. 3 pl.
Dibley, G. E., 1911. On the teeth of Ptychodus and their distribution in the English Chalk. Quart. Journal Geological Society London LXVII
Diedrich, C., 2001. Ein pectoralflossenrest von Protosphyraena sp. (Pachycormidae, Actinopterygii) aus dem Ober-Cenoman von Halle/Westf. (NW-Deutschland). Ber. Naturwiss. Verein fur Bielfefeld u. Umgegend 41:31-44.
Dixon, F. 1850. Geology and fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations of Sussex. pp. i-xvi; 1-422. (New Edition, "revised and augmented" by Jones, T. R. 1878. William J. Smith, Brighton.
Druckenmiller, P. S., A. J. Daun, J. L. Skulan and J. C. Pladziewicz, 1993. Stomach contents in the upper Cretaceous shark Squalicorax falcatus. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 13(suppl. to no. 3):33A. (includes mosasaur paddle elements)
Duffin, C. J., 1996. Holocephalans in the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart: 4. The earliest German chimeroid. Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. Ser. B., Nr. 240, 10 pp., 4 fig. <JD>
Duffin, C. J., 1997. The dentition of Hybodus hauffianus Fraas, 1895 (Toarcian, Early Jurassic). Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. Ser. B., Nr. 256, 22 pp., 12 fig. <JD>
Duffin, C. J., 1998. New shark remains from the British Rhaetian (latest Triassic): 1. The earliest basking shark. N. Jb. Geological Paläont. Mh. 3:157-181. <JD>
Duffin, C. J., 1998. New shark remains from the British Rhaetian (latest Triassic): 2. Hybodonts and palaeospinacids. N. Jb. Geological Paläont. Mh. 4:240-256. <JD>
Duffin, C. J., 2001. Synopsis of the selachian genus Lissodus Brough, 1935. N. Jb. Geological Paläont. Abh. 221(2):145.218.<JD>
Duffin, C. J., 2001. A chimaerid (Holocephali, Chimaeriformes) vomerine toothplate from the Upper Cretaceous of Belgium. Palaeontology, 44(6)1179-1188. <JD>
Duffin, C.J. 2009. "Records of warfare; embalmed in the everlasting hills": A history of early coprolite research. Mercian Geologist 17(2):101-111.
Dunkle, D. H., 1948. On two previously unreported selachians from the Upper Cretaceous of North America. Journal, Washington Academy of Science, 38(5)173-176. <EM> (Onchopristis)
Dunkle, D. H. 1969. A new amioid fish from the Upper Cretaceous of
Kansas. Kirtlandia (Cleveland Museum Natural History), 7: 1-6. <EM>
Dunkle, D. H. and Hibbard, C. W. 1946. Some comments upon the
structure of a pycnodontid fish from the upper Cretaceous of Kansas. University Kansas
Science Bulletin 31 (8):161-181, pt. 1.
H., Maisey, J., Schwimmer, D., Janvier, P. and Clément, G. 2011. Giant
coelacanth Megalocoelacanthus dobiei from the Upper Cretaceous of
Eastman, C. R. 1895. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Gattung Oxyrhina, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Oxyrhina mantelli Agassiz. Palaeontographica XLI 149-191, pls. XVI-XVIII.
Eastman, C. R. 1897. On Ctenacanthus spines from the Keokuk limestone of Iowa. American Journal of Science 4(1):10-13, 2 figs.
Eastman, C. R. 1911. Jurassic saurian remains injested within fish. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, No. 8: 182-187.
Elias, M. K. 1931. The geology of Wallace County, Kansas. State Geological Survey Bulletin 18, __pp.
Elias, M. K. 1933. Cephalopods of the Pierre Formation of Wallace County, Kansas, and adjacent area. The University of Kansas Science Bulletin 21(9):289-263:
Estes, R. 1969. Studies of fossil Phylliodont fishes: Casierus, a new genus of Albulid from the Cretaceous of North America. Eclagae Geological Helv. 62(2)751-755, pl. I-II.
Everhart, M. J. 2004. Late Cretaceous interaction between predators and prey. Evidence of feeding by two species of shark on a mosasaur. PalArch, vertebrate palaeontology series 1(1):1-7.
Everhart, M. J. 2004. First record of the hybodont shark genus, Polyacrodus sp., (Chondrichthyes; Polyacrodontidae) from the Kiowa Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of McPherson County, Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 107(1/2): 39-43.
Everhart, M. J. 2005. Bite marks on an elasmosaur (Sauropterygia; Plesiosauria) paddle from the Niobrara Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) as probable evidence of feeding by the lamniform shark, Cretoxyrhina mantelli. PalArch, Vertebrate paleontology 2(2): 14-24.
Everhart, M. J. 2005. Oceans of Kansas - A Natural History of the Western Interior Sea. Indiana University Press, 320 pp.
Everhart, M. J. 2005. New stratigraphic records (Albian-Coniacian) of the guitarfish, Rhinobatos incertus (Chondrichthyes; Rajiformes), from the Cretaceous of central and western Kansas. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 25(Supplement to 3): 55A.
Everhart, M. J. 2007. Remains of a pycnodont fish (Actinopterygii: Pycnodontiformes) in a coprolite; An upper record of Micropycnodon kansasensis in the Smoky Hill Chalk, western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 110(1/2): 35-43.
Everhart, M. J. 2007. New stratigraphic records (Albian-Campanian) of the guitarfish, Rhinobatos sp. (Chondrichthyes; Rajiformes), from the Cretaceous of Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 110(3-4): 225-235.
Everhart, M.J. 2009. First occurrence of marine vertebrates in the Early Cretaceous of
Everhart, M. J. 2010. Bonnerichthys gladius The largest bony fish and first known planktivore from the Late Cretaceous. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 113(1-2):123-124 (abstract).
Everhart, M.J. 2011. Occurrence
of the hybodont shark genus Meristodonoides (Chondrichthyes;
Hybodontiformes) in the Cretaceous of
Everhart, M. J. and Caggiano, T. 2004. An associated dentition and calcified vertebral centra of the Late Cretaceous elasmobranch, Ptychodus anonymus Williston 1900. Paludicola 4(4), p. 125-136.
Everhart, M. J., T. Caggiano and K. Shimada, 2003. Note on the occurrence of five species of ptychodontid sharks from a single locality in the Smoky Hill Chalk (Late Cretaceous) of western Kansas. Kansas Academy Science Abstracts, 22:29.
Everhart, M. J. and M. K. Darnell. 2004. Occurrence of Ptychodus mammillaris (Elasmobranchii) in the Fairport Chalk Member of the Carlile Shale (Upper Cretaceous) of Ellis County, Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 107(3-4):126-130.
Everhart, M. J. and P. A. Everhart, 1992. Oyster-shell concentrations; a stratigraphic marker in the Smoky Hill Chalk (upper Cretaceous) of western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, 11(Abstracts):12.
Everhart, M. J. and P. A. Everhart, 1993. Notes on the biostratigraphy of the plethodid Martinichthys in the Smoky Hill Chalk (upper Cretaceous) of western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, 12(Abstracts):36.
Everhart, M. J. and P. A. Everhart, 1994. Evidence of predation on the rare plethodid Martinichthys in the Smoky Hill Chalk (upper Cretaceous) of western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, 13(Abstracts):36.
Everhart, M. J. and P. A. Everhart, 1998. New data regarding the feeding habits of the extinct lamniform shark, Cretoxyrhina mantelli, from the Smoky Hill Chalk (upper Cretaceous) of western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 17:(Abstracts)33.
Everhart, M. J. and P. A. Everhart. 2003. First report of the Paleozoic shark, Ctenacanthus amblyxiphias Cope 1891 from the Lower Permian of Morris County Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science Abstracts, 22:13.
Everhart, M. J., P. A. Everhart and K. Ewell. 2004. A marine ichthyofauna from the Upper Dakota Sandstone (Late Cretaceous). Abstracts of oral presentations and posters, Joint Annual Meeting of the Kansas and Missouri Academies of Science, p. 48.
Everhart, M. J., P. Everhart, E. M. Manning, and D. E. Hattin. 2003. A Middle Turonian marine fish fauna from the Upper Blue Hill Shale Member, Carlile Shale, of north central Kansas. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Volume 23 (Supplement to Number 3): 49A.(Abstract)
Everhart, M.J. and Maltese, A. 2010. First report of a heteromorph ammonite, cf. Glyptoxoceras, from the Smoky Hill Chalk
(Santonian) of western
Everhart, M. J., P. A. Everhart and K. Shimada. 1995. New specimen of shark bitten mosasaur vertebrae from the Smoky Hill Chalk (upper Cretaceous) in western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 14:(Abstracts)19.
Everhart, M. J., P. A. Everhart and J. D. Stewart. 1995. Notes on the biostratigraphy of a small coelacanth from the Smoky Hill Chalk Member of the Niobrara Chalk (upper Cretaceous) of western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 14(Abstracts):20.
Everhart, M.J., Hageman, S.A.
and Hoffman, B.L. 2010. Another Sternberg “fish-within-a-fish” discovery:
First report of Ichthyodectes ctenodon (Teleostei; Ichthyodectiformes) with stomach contents.
Everhart, M. J., K. Shimada and K. Ewell. 2004. First record of the lamniform shark genus, Johnlongia, from the Niobrara Chalk. Abstracts of oral presentations and posters, Joint Annual Meeting of the Kansas and Missouri Academies of Science, p. 48.
Evetts, M. J. 1979. Upper Cretaceous sharks from the Black Hills region, Wyoming and South Dakota. The Mountain Geologist, 16(2):59-66.
Ewell, K. and M. J. Everhart. 2004. A Paleozoic shark fauna from the Council Grove Group (Lower Permian). Abstracts of oral presentations and posters, Joint Annual Meeting of the Kansas and Missouri Academies of Science, p. 48-49.
Feldmann, R. M. and M. Maxey, 1980. Raninella carlilensis,
a new raninid crab from the Carlile Shale (Turonian) of Kansas. Journal of
Paleontology 54(4):858-861.
Fielitz, C., 2002. First record of endopterygoid teeth in the
North American late Cretaceous teleostean fish Enchodus gladiolus (Aulopiformes:
Enchodontidae). Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 105(1-2):27-32.
Fielitz, C., 2002. A new Late Cretaceous (Turonian) basal euteleosteon fish from Lac des Bois in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science 39:1579-1590.
Fielitz, C., and Bardack, D. 1992. Deltaichthys albuloides, a new and unusually preserved albulid (Teleostei) probably from the Cretaceous of Texas. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 12(2):133-141.
Fielitz, C. and K. Shimada, 1999. A new species of Bananogmius (Teleostei; Tselfatiformes) from the Upper Cretaceous Carlile Shale of western Kansas. Journal of Paleontology 73(3):504-511
Fielitz, C. and Shimada, K. 2009. A new species of Apateodus (Teleostei: Aulopiformes) from the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Chalk of western Kansas, U.S.A. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(3):650-658.
Fielitz, C., J. D. Stewart, and J. Wiffen, 1999. Aethocephalichthys hyainarhinos gen. et sp. nov., a new and enigmatic Late Cretaceous actinopterygian from North America and New Zealand, pp. 95-106, 7 fig., In Mesozoic Fishes 2 - Systematics and Fossil Record. Arrantia, G. and H-P. Shultze (eds.), Proceedings of the International Meeting.
Fischer, A. G. and R. O. Fay., 1953. A spiny aptychus from the Cretaceous of Kansas. Bulletin Geological Survey Kansas. 102(2):77-92, 2 pl.
Frerichs, W.E. 1974. A reexamination of the holotyph of Globigerina
subdigitata Carman. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 4(3): 109-111.
Frerichs, W.E. and Dring, N.B. 1981. Planktonic formanifera from the Smoky Hill shale of
west central Kansas. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 11(1):47-69.
Frerichs, W.E., Pokras, E.M. and Evetts, M.J. 1977. The genus Hastigerioides and
its significance in the biostratigraphy of the Western Interior. Journal of Foraminiferal
Research 7(2): 149-156.
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Hays, I., 1830. Description of a fragment of the head of a new fossil animal, discovered in a marl pit, near Moorestown, New Jersey. Transactions American Philosophical Society, ser. 2, 3(18):471-477, pl. 16. (read Dec. 4, 1829 and Jan. 1, 1830). Type specimen of Saurodon leanus Hays, 1830.
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Hibbard, C. W. 1939. A new pycnodont fish from the Upper Cretaceous of Russell County, Kansas. Quarterly Bulletin University of Kansas 26 373-375, 1 pl.
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Hibbard, C. W. 1942 A new chimaeroid fish from the Niobrara Cretaceous of Logan County, Kansas. University Kansas Science Bulletin 28-2(11):237-240, 4 fig.
Hirt, D. S. 1992. A new genus and species of scalpellomorph cirriped from the Fairport Member, Carlile Shale (Middle Turonian) of Kansas, Journal of Paleontology 66(3):454-461.
Hoch, E. 1991. Palaeontological data on life in the intra-cratonic Kangerdlugssuaq basin. Kangerdlugssuaq Studies - Processes at a rifted continental margin - Proceedings. pp. 45-51.
Hoganson, J.W. and Erickson, J.M. 2005. A new species of Ischyodus (Chondrichthyes: Holocephali: Callorhynchidae) from Upper Maastrichtian shallow marine facies of the Fox Hills and Hell Creek formations, Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA. Palaeontology 48(4), 709-721.
Hussakof, L. 1911. The Permian Fishes of North America, in Case, E. C., Revision of the Amphibia and Pisces of the Permian of North America. Carnegie Institute of Washington. (Ctenacanthus amblyxiphias Cope 1891)
Hussakof, L. 1929. A new teleostean fish from the Niobrara of Kansas. American Museum Novit. 357 no. 357 1-4, 2 figs.
Hussakof, L. 1947. A new pycnodont fish from the Cretaceous of Arkansas. Fieldiana - Geology 10(4):23-27.
Itano, W. M., K. J. Houck, and M. G. Lockley. 2003. Ctenacanthus and other chondrichthyan spines and denticles from the Minturn Formation (Pennsylvanian) of Colorado. Journal of Paleontology 77(3):524-535.
Ivanov, A. and M. Ginter. 1996. Early Carboniferous xenacanthids (Chondrichthyes) from eastern Europe. Bulletin Society Geology France. 167(5):651-656.
Jeletzky, J. A., 1955. Belemnitella praecursor, probably from the Niobrara of Kansas, and some stratigraphic implications. Journal of Paleontology 29(5):876-885, 1 fig.
Jeletzky, J. A., 1961. Actinocamax from the Upper Cretaceous Benton and Niobrara Formations of Kansas. Journal of Paleontology 35(3):505-531, pl. 72, 6 txt. figs. (see also Miller, H. W., 1957, Belemnitella praecursor)
Johnson, G.D. 1972. Phyllodont tooth plate from the Lower Cretaceous of Texas. Texas Journal of Science, 24(1):67-74. (Albulids)
Johnson, S.C. and Lucas, S.G. 2003. Selachian fauna from the Upper Cretaceous Dalton Sandstone, middle Rio Puerco Valley, New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 54th Field Conference, Geology of the Zuni Plateau, p. 353-358.
Jordon, D.S. 1924. A collection of fossil fishes in the University of Kansas from the Niobrara Formation of the Cretaceous. University Kansas Science Bulletin, 15(2): 219-245.
Jorgensen, S. and N. L. Larsen, 1996. The Carlile Shale of the Milbank Granite District, Grant County, South Dakota: with regional correlations based on ammonite and shark faunas. GSA, Rocky Mountain Section, 48th Annual meeting, Vol. 28, No. 4, p. 12 (Abstract No. 24964).
Kauffman, E.G. 1972. Ptychodus predation upon a Cretaceous Inoceramus. Palaeontology, 15(3):439-444.
Kaufmann, E.G. 1990. Giant fossil inoceramid bivalve pearls. pp. 66-68 In Boucot, A. J., Evolutionary Paleobiology and Coevolution. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Kauffman, E.G. 1990. Mosasaur predation on ammonites during the Cretaceous - An evolutionary history. pp. 184-189 In Boucot, A. J., Evolutionary Paleobiology and Coevolution. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Kauffman, E.G. 1990. Cretaceous fish predation on a large squid. pp. 195-196 In Boucot, A. J., Evolutionary Paleobiology and Coevolution. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Kauffman, E.G. 2004. Mosasaur predation on Upper Cretaceous nautiloids and ammonites from the United States Pacific Coast. Palaios 19(1):96-100.
Kauffman, E.G., Harries, P.J., Meyer, C., Villamil, T.,
Arango, C. and Jaecks, G. 2007. Paleoecology of giant Inoceramidae (Platyceramus)
on a Santonian seafloor in
Kear, B.P. 2007. First record of a pachycormid fish (Actinopterygii: Pachycormiformes) from the lower Cretaceous of Australia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(4):1033-1038.
Kelly, S. R. A. and R. Bromley. 1984. Ichnological nomenclature of clavate borings. Palaeontology, 27(4):793-807. <EM>
Kennedy, W. J., and W. A. Cobban, 1991. Upper Cretaceous (upper Santonian) Boehmoceras fauna from the Gulf Coast region of the United States. Geology Magazine 128(2):167-189.
Kennedy, W. J., W. A. Cobban, and N. H. Landman, 1997. Campanian ammonites from the Tombigbee Sand Member of the Eutaw Formation, the Mooreville Formation and the basal part of the Demopolis Formation in Mississippi and Alabama. American Museum Noviates, 3201:44 pp.
Kirkland, J. I., 1989. Fossil elasmobranchs from the mid Cretaceous (Middle Cenomanian Middle Turonian) Greenhorn Cyclothem of eastern Nebraska. Proc. Nebraska Academy Science, Ninety ninth Annual Meeting, p. 52. (Abstract)
Kirkland, J. I., 1996. Paleontology of the Greenhorn cyclothem (Cretaceous: Late Cenomanian to middle Turonian) at Black Mesa, northeastern Arizona. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 9, 131 p., 50 pls. (I have pages 110-113 listing vertebrate remains). <EM>
Kirkland, J. I. and M. C. Aguillón-Martinez. 2002. Schizorhiza,: a unique sawfish paradigm from the Difunta Group, Coahuila, Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas 19(1):16-24.
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Morris, N.J., Todd, J.A., Howard, L.E. and Ball, A.D. 2014. Exceptional
preservation of a novel gill grade in large Cretaceous inoceramids: Systematic
and palaeobiological implications. Palaeontology 57:37–54.
Kriwet, J. 2003a. First record
of Early Cretaceous shark (Chondrichthyes, Neoselachii) from
Kriwet, J. 2003b. Neoselachian
remains (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Middle Jurassic of SW Germany and NW
Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 48(4): 587-598.
Kriwet, J. 2003c. Lancetfish
teeth (Neoteleostei, Alepisauroidei) from the Early Cretaceous of Alcaine, NE Spain. Lethaia
36: 323-331.
Lane, H. H., 1945. A survey of the fossil vertebrates of Kansas. Part I: The fishes. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 47 129-176, 7 pls.
Langston, W. Jr., 1970. A fossil ray, possibly Myledaphus (Elasmobranchii; Batoidea) from the late Cretaceous Oldman Formation of Western Canada. Publications in Paleontology No. 6, National Museum of Canada, 15 pp.
Lehman, U., 1979. The jaws and radula of the Jurassic ammonite Dactylioceras. Paleontology, 22(1):265-271, pl. 27.Leidy, J., 1856. Descriptions of some remains of fishes from the Carboniferous and Devonian formations of the United States. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, series 2, 3(article 13):159-165. <EM>
Leidy, J., 1856. Notices on remains of extinct vertebrated animals of New Jersey, collected by Prof. Cook of the State Geological Survey under the Direction of Dr. W. Kitchell. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 8:220-221. (printed in 1857 - Naming of Polygonodon (Xiphactinus) vetus, a sister species of Xiphactinus audax, and Ischyrhiza mira Leidy)<EM>
Leidy, J., 1856. Remarks on certain extinct species of fishes. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 8:301-302.
Leidy, J., 1859. [Xystracanthus, Cladodus and Petalodus from the Carboniferous of Kansas]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 11:3. <EM>
Leidy, J., 1860. Remarks on Saurocephalus and it's allies. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. Vol. XI (New Series), pp. 91-95, 1 pl. (Read November 21, 1856)
Leidy, J., 1860. Description of vertebrate fossils. pp 99-122 In Holmes, F. S., Post-Pliocene fossils of South-Carolina. Russell and Jones, Charleston, S.C. <EM>
Leidy, J., 1865. Cretaceous reptiles of the United States. Smithsonian Contrib. Knowl. 14(6):1-135, pls. I-XX. (Three figures and a more detailed description of the tooth of Polygonodon (Xiphactinus) vetus Leidy 1856) <EM>
Leidy, J., 1868. Notice of American species of Ptychodus. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 20:205-208.
Leidy, J., 1870. [Remarks on ichthyodorulites and on certain fossil Mammalia.] Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 22:12-13. (The naming of Xiphactinus audax from a fragment of a pectoral fin found by Dr. George Sternberg in the chalk of western Kansas --- this paper pre-dates Cope's 1872 description of Portheus molossus.
Leidy, J., 1873. Contributions to the extinct vertebrate fauna of the western territories. Rept., U.S. Geological Survey Terrs. (Hayden), 1:358 p., 37 pls. (Hadrodus, and on p. 267, note of material sent to the Smithsonian by Dr. George Sternberg).
Loetterle, G. J. 1937. The micropaleontology of the Niobrara Formation in Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota. Nebraska Geological Survey, Bulletin 12, 73 pp., pl I to XI.
Logan, W.N. 1897. The upper Cretaceous of Kansas; with an introduction by Erasmus Haworth: Kansas Geological Survey, Vol.2, p. 195-234.
Logan, W.N. 1897. Some new Cirriped crustaceans from the Niobrara Cretaceous of Kansas. Kansas University Quarterly 6(4)187-189.
Logan, W.N. 1898. The invertebrates of the Benton, Niobrara and Fort Pierre groups. The University Geological Survey of Kansas, Part VIII, 4:432-518, pl. LXXXVI-CXX.
Logan, W.N. 1899. Some additions to the Cretaceous invertebrates of Kansas. Kansas University Quarterly 8(2):87-98, pl. XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII. (mostly oysters)
Loomis, F. B. 1900. Die anatomie und die verwandtschaft der Ganoid- und Knochen-fische aus der Kreide-Formation von Kansas, U.S.A. Palaeontographica, 46: 213-283, pl. XIX-XXVII.
Lucas, S. G. 2002. The first vertebrate fossil described from New
Mexico. New Mexico Geologist 24(2):49. (P. whipplei)
Lucas, S. G. and S. C. Johnson. 2003. Cretaceous invertebrate and
selachian fossil assemblage from the Jauna Lopez Member of the Mancos Shale near
Herrera, west-central New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 54th Field
Conference, Geology of the Zuni Plateau, p. 347-351.
Lucas, S. G., B. S. Kues, S. N. Hayden, B. D. Allen, K. K. Kietzke, T. E. Williamson, P. Sealey and R. Pence. 1988. Cretaceous stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, Cooke's Range, Luna County, New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 39th Field Conference, Southwestern New Mexico, pp. 143-167.
Lucas, S. G., P. K. Reser, and D. L. Wolberg. 1985. Shark vertebrae from the upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale, northeastern New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Circular 195, pp. 21-23.
Mackie, S. J. 1863. Cestraciont fishes of the chalk. The Geologist 6: 161-163, pl. IX. (CM)
Mackie, S. J. 1863. On a new species of Hybodus from the lower chalk. The Geologist 6: 241-246, pl. XIII. (CM)
Maisey, J. G. 1975. The interrelationships of phalacanthous selachians. N. Jb. Geological Paläont. Mh. 9:553-567, 6 fig.
Maisey, J. G. 1977. Structural notes on a cladoselachian dorsal spine. N. Jb. Geological Paläont. Mh. 1:47-55, 6 fig.
Maisey, J. G. 1982. Studies on the Paleozoic selachian genus Ctenacanthus No. 2. Bythiacanthus St. John and Worthen, Amelacanthus St. John and Worthen, Sphenacanthus Agassiz, and Wodnika Münster. American Museum Noviates, 2722:1-24.
Maisey, J. G. 1984. Studies on the Paleozoic selachian genus Ctenacanthus Agassiz. No. 3.: Nominal species referred to Ctenacanthus. American Museum Noviates, 2774:1-20.
Maisey, J. G. 1996. Discovering Fossil Fishes. Henry Holt and Company, New York.
Manning, E. M. and D. T. Dockery III. 1992. A guide to the Frankstown vertebrate fossil locality (upper Cretaceous), Prentiss County, Mississippi. Mississippi Department Environmental Quality, Office of Geology, Circular 4, 43 p. 2 pl.
Manning, E. M. 2003. The Eocene/Oligocene transition in marine vertebrates of the Gulf Coastal Plain. Ch. 21, pp. 366-385. In: Prothero, D. R., L.C. Ivany and E. A. Nesbitt (eds.), From Greenhouse to Icehouse, the marine Eocene-Oligocene transition. Columbia University Press, New York, xi + 541 pp.
Manning, E. 2006. Late Campanian vertebrate fauna of the Frankstown site, Prentiss County, Mississippi; systematics, paleoecology, taphonomy, sequence stratigraphy. Unpub. PhD dissertation, Tulane University, New Orleans, xvii+419 p., 16 pls.
Mantell, G, 1822. The fossils of the South Downs; or illustrations of the geology of Sussex. Lupton Relfe, London, xiv + 327 p., 42 p. (page 319 and plate 39, first publication of a drawing the fin of Protosphyraena ferox (?) Leidy 1956; by Mrs. Mantell) <EM>
Marcou, J. 1858. Geology of North America, with two reports on the prairies of Arkansas and Texas, the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico, and the Sierra Nevada of California, originally made for the United States Government. Pp. i-vi, 1-144, with 7 plates. (fig. and naming of P. whipplei)
Martill, D.M. 1986. The stratigraphic distribution and preservation of fossil vertebrates in the Oxford Clay of England. Mercian Geologist 10(3):161-188, 17 figs, 3 pl.
Martin, H.T. 1907. Some new features of Uintacrinus. University Kansas Science Bulletin 4(6):193-196, pl. IX-X.
Martin, H.T., 1913. Notice of a new fish from the Permian of Kansas, with description. Kansas University Science Bulletin 7(7): 185-186, Pl. 21.
Martin, H.T. 1922. Anguillavus hackberryensis. Kansas. University Science Bulletin 13(7):95-98, pl. 6. (issue of May, 1920; For a further discussion of this specimen (later re-identified as Stratodus0, see Wiley, E. O. and J. D. Stewart, 1977)
Martin, H.T. 1922. Indications of a gigantic amphibian in the Coal Measures of Kansas. Kansas University Science Bulletin 13(12):03-114, 3 pls. (issue of July, 1922)
Martin, J.E. and F. J. Rich. 1987. Additional fossil vertebrates from the Early Cretaceous Lakota Formation in the the Black Hills, South Dakota. Proc., North Dakota Academy Science, 41:66 (Abstract). <EM>
Matsumoto, T. and H. W. Miller, Jr. 1958. Cretaceous ammonites from the spillway excavation of Cedar Bluff Dam, Trego County, KS. Journal of Paleontology 32(2):352-356, 2 pl.
Matthews, W. H. III. 1957. The paleontology and paleoecology of the biostrome fauna of the Edwards Formation of Texas. Lamar State College of Technology Research Series, Paper No. 1, pp. 109-116.
McAllister, J. A. 1985. Reevaluation of the formation of spiral coprolites - University Kansas Paleontology Contributions, Paper 114, 12 p.
McClung, C. E. 1898. Microscopic organisms of the Upper Cretaceous. The University Geological Survey of Kansas, Part VII, 4:415-427, pl. LXXV.
McClung, C. E. 1908. Ichthyological notes on the Kansas Cretaceous, I. Kansas University Science Bulletin IV 235-246, pls. x-xiii, 10 text-figs.
McClung, C. E. 1926. Martinichthys, a new genus of Cretaceous fish from Kansas, with descriptions of six new species. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 65 no. 5, (suppl.) 20-26, 2 pls.
McLeod, N. 1982. The first North American occurrence of the Late
Cretaceous elasmobranch Ptychodus rugosus Dixon with comments on the functional
morphology of the dentition and dermal denticles. Journal of Paleontology 56(2):403-409.
McLeod, N. and B. H. Slaughter. 1980. A new ptychodontid from the
Upper Cretaceous of Texas. Texas Journal of Science 32(4):333-335
McKinzie, M. G., R. Morin, and E. Swiatovy. 2001. Fossil collector's guidebook to the North Sulphur River [Texas]. Occasional Papers, Dallas Paleontological Society, Vol. 4, 119 pp., 20 pl.
McNulty, C. L. Jr. and G. Kienzlen. 1970. An enchodontid mandible from the Eagle Ford Shale (Turonian), Dallas County, Texas. Texas Journal Science 21(4):447-453.
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Miller, H. W., 1968. Enchoteuthis melanae and Kansasteuthis lindneri, new genera and species of Teuthids, and a septid from the Niobrara Formation of Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 71(2):176-183.
Miller, H. W. 1969. Additions to the fauna of the Niobrara
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60(2):163-166, 2 fig.
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Moodie, R. L., 1911. A contribution to the soft anatomy of Cretaceous fishes and a new primitive herring-like fish from the Texas Cretaceous. Kansas University Science Bulletin 5(15):277-287, pls. lx-lxii.
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Mudge, B. F., 1877. Annual Report of the Committee on Geology, for the year ending November 1, 1876. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, Ninth Annual Meeting, pp. 4-5. (discovery of Uintacrinus socialis in Kansas, Pteranodon, sharks and birds.)
Mudge, B. F., 1877. Bison latifrons in Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 5:10.
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Mustafa, H. and I. Zalmout. 2001. On the dentitions of Mosasauridae (marine reptiles) from the Late Cretaceous (Early Maastrichtian) of the Jordanian Phosphate. Dirasat, Pure Sciences 28(1):56-62.
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Shimada, K and M. J. Everhart. 2003. Ptychodus mammillaris (Elasmobranchii) and Enchodus cf. E. schumardi (Teleostei) from the Fort Hays Limestone Member of the Niobrara Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) in Ellis County, Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 106(3-4):171-176.
Shimada, K., K. Ewell and M. J. Everhart. 2004. The first record of the lamniform shark genus, Johnlongia, from the Niobrara Chalk (Upper Cretaceous, western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 107(3/4):131-135.
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Shimada, K. and Everhart, M.J. 2009. First record of Anomoeodus (Osteichthyes: Pycnodontiformes) from the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Chalk of western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 112(1/2):98-102.
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Skelton, L. H. 1996. A brief history of the Kansas Academy of Science. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions101(3-4):140-145.
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Springer, F., 1889. Notice of a new discovery concerning Uintacrinus. American Geologist 24(2):92.
Springer, V. G., 1957. A new genus and species of Elopid fish (Laminospondylus transversus) from the Upper Cretaceous of Texas. Copeia 2:135-140, 1 pl.
Stahl, B.J. and Parris, D.C. 2004. The complete dentition of Edaphodon mirificus (Chondrichthyes: Holocephali) from a single individual. Journal of Paleontology 78(2), 388-392.
Stephenson, L. W., 1922. Some Upper Cretaceous shells of the rudistid group from Tamaulipas, Mexico. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum 61(1):1-29.
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Sternberg, C. H. 1917. Hunting Dinosaurs in the Badlands of the Red Deer River, Alberta, Canada. Published by the author, San Diego, Calif., 261 pp. (References to Cretoxyrhina and Xiphactinus)
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Stewart, A., 1898. Individual variations in the genus Xiphactinus Leidy. Kansas University Quarterly 7(3):116-119, pl. VII, VIII, IX, X. (Stewart has a short note on page 116 acknowledging that Xiphactinus Leidy 1870 has priority over Portheus Cope 1872)
Stewart, A., 1898. Some notes on the genus Saurodon and allied species. Kansas University Quarterly, 7(4):177-186, pls. XIV, XV, XVI.
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