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ePapers Scans of paleontology papers on the Web Copyright © 2002-2009 by Mike Everhart Last updated 02/27/2009
LEFT: Detail of the frontispiece of Part II, Cretaceous Fishes, in The University Geological Survey of Kansas, Volume VI, 1900. |
For marine reptile references, go HERE: For other Cretaceous fossil references, go HERE; Kansas 1872 map HERE
To look up publications about vertebrate paleontology, visit John Damuth's Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates.
Anonymous. 1888. A Cretaceous bird-track. American Naturalist, 22(253):55. (includes original bird track article by Prof. F. H. Snow(1887)) <EM>
Ballou, W. H., 1890. [Statements by O. C. Marsh and E. D. Cope regarding the "head on the wrong end" Elasmosaurus]. New York Herald, January 19 and 20, 1890, Vol. 19(No. 508 and 509):pages 11 and 3 respectively, as part of a "muck-raking" series by William Ballou.
Brown, B., 1904. Stomach stones and the food of plesiosaurs. Science, 20(501):184-185. (Gastroliths mixed with stomach contents in plesiosaurs)
Cannon, G. L. 1906. Sauropodan Gastroliths. Science. N. S. 24(604):116. (Issue of July 27, 1906) <EM>
Cicimurri, D. J. and M. J. Everhart, 2001. An elasmosaur with stomach contents and
gastroliths from the Pierre Shale (Late Cretaceous) of
Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 104(3-4):129-143.
Cope, E. D., 1868 Letter describing Elasmosaurus platyurus. in LeConte, J. L., 1868. Notes on the geology of the survey for the extension of the Union Pacific Railway, E. D., from the Smoky Hill River, Kansas, to the Rio Grande. Review Printing House, Philadelphia, 76 p. with folded map.
Cope, E. D., 1868. Remarks on a new enaliosaurian, Elasmosaurus
platyurus. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,
20:92-93. (for meeting of March 24,
1868) (First report of the plesiosaur, Elasmosaurus platyurus)
Cope, E. D., 1868. On a new large enaliosaur. American Journal of Science Series 2, 46(137):263-264. (Summary of Academy of Science article)
Cope, E. D., 1868. [On the structure of the vertebral column in Elasmosaurus]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 20:181. (for meeting of July 14, 1868)
Cope, E. D., 1869. On the reptilian orders Pythonomorpha and Streptosauria. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History XII 250-266.Cope, E. D., 1869. [Remarks on extinct reptiles]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 20:313. (Meeting of Dec. 15, 1968, published Feb. 1869)
Cope, E. D., 1869. [Remarks on Holops brevispinus, Ornithotarsus immanis, and Macrosaurus proriger.] Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 11(81):123 (meeting of June 1, 1869)
Cope, E. D., 1869. (A resolution thanking Dr. Theophilus Turner for his donation of the skeleton of Elasmosaurus platyurus). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 20:314. (Meeting of December 15, 1868)
Cope, E. D., 1870. On Elasmosaurus platyurus Cope. American Journal of Science, Series 2, 50(148):140-141. (A response to Leidy's criticism)
Cope, E. D., 1870. Additional note on Elasmosaurus. American Journal of Science, Series 2, 50(149):268-269. (A second response to Leidy)
Cope, E. D., 1872. Note of some Cretaceous vertebrata in the State Agricultural College of Kansas. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 12(87):168-170. (for Oct. 20, 1871 meeting)
Cope, E. D., 1872. On Kansas vertebrate fossils. American Journal of Science, Series 3, 3(13):65. (Cope describes a number of new species from Kansas)
Cope, E. D., 1872. [On the structure of the Pythonomorpha]. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences Phil. 24:140-141. (meeting of June 11 - Cope comments on a recent paper on mosasaurs by O. C. Marsh)
Cope, E. D., 1872. On the geology and paleontology of the Cretaceous strata of Kansas. Preliminary Report of the United States Geological Survey of Montana and Portions of the Adjacent Territories, Part III - Paleontology, pp. 318-349.
Cope, E. D., 1872. [Sketch of an expedition in the valley of the Smoky Hill River in Kansas]. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Soceity 12(87):174-176. (for Oct. 20, 1871 meeting) (Professor Cope's only visit to the chalk of western Kansas.)
Cope, E. D., 1873. [On an extinct genus of saurodont fishes]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 24;280-281. (meeting of Dec. 17, 1872) Wherein Cope names of the genus Erisichthe and describes Erisichthe (Protosphyraena) nitida). <EM>
Cope, E. D., 1875. Letter of Transmittal to F. V. Hayden in The Vertebrata of the Cretaceous formations of the West. Report, U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. (Hayden). 2:302 p, 57 pls. (The letter in the front of the volume wherein Cope acknowledges those who helped him.)
Cope, E. D., 1877. On the genus Erisichthe. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. iii, article xx. pp. 821-823. (first description of Martinichthys)
Cutler, W. G., 1883. Fossils of the Niobrara in History of the State of Kansas. A. T. Andreas, Chicago. 1,616 pages. (Mostly from B. F. Mudge)
Eastman, C. R., 1904. A recent paleontological induction. Science, N. S. 20(510):465-466. (Eastman attacks Brown's ideas (above) on gastroliths)
Everhart, M. J., 2000. Gastroliths associated with plesiosaur remains in the Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale (late Cretaceous), western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 103(1-2):58-69. (Web version)
Everhart, M. J., 2000. Mosasaurs: Last of the great marine reptiles. Prehistoric Times. 44:29-31. (Web version)
Everhart, M. J., 2001. Revisions to the Biostratigraphy of the Mosasauridae (Squamata) in the Smoky Hill Chalk Member of the Niobrara Chalk (Late Cretaceous) of Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 104(1-2):56-75. (Web version)
Everhart, M. J., 2002. Where the Elasmosaurs roam...... Prehistoric Times. 53:24-27. (Web version)
Everhart, M. J., 2002. New data on cranial measurements and body length of the mosasaur, Tylosaurus nepaeolicus (Squamata; Mosasauridae), from the Niobrara Formation of western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 105(1-2):33-43. (Web version)
Everhart, M. J. 2003. First records of plesiosaur remains in the lower Smoky Hill Chalk Member (Upper Coniacian) of the Niobrara Formation in western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 106(3-4):139-148.
Everhart, M. J. 2004. Plesiosaurs as the food of mosasaurs; new data on the stomach contents of a Tylosaurus proriger (Squamata; Mosasauridae) from the Niobrara Formation of western Kansas. The Mosasaur 7:41-46.
Gilmore, C. W., 1921. An extinct sea lizard from western Kansas. Scientific American CXXIV 273, 280, 3 figs.
Goldfuss, A., 1845. Der schädelbau des Mosasaurus, durch beschreibung einer neuen art dieser gattung erläutert. Nova Acta Academa Ceasar Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Natura Curiosorum 21:1-28 (This is the 2001 English translation: See Webpage here) A description of the first mosasaur from the Western Interior Sea.
Gould, C. N. 1899. On the finding of fossil insects in the Comanche Cretaceous of Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 16:284.
Harlan, R., 1824. On a new fossil genus of the order Enalio sauri, (of Conybeare). Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Series1, 3(pt. 2):331-337; pl. 12, figs. 1-5. (ANSP website)
Harlan, R., 1825. Notice of the Plesiosaurus and other fossil reliquiae from the State of New Jersey. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. iv pp. 231-236. (See Leidy, 1851 for the re-identification of this 'plesiosaur' vertebrae as that of an extinct cetacean) (ANSP website)
Harlan, R. 1834. Notice of fossil bones found in the Tertiary formation of the State of Louisiana. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 4:397-403, pl. 20. (Dr. Harlan describes an early whale from Louisiana and mistakenly names it as a plesiosaur - "Basilosaurus"
Harlan, R., 1834. Notice of the discovery of the remains of the Ichthyosaurus in Missouri. N. A. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 4:405-409, pl.20. (Dr. Harlan describes a fragment of a mosasaur as an ichthyosaur. See also Goldfuss, 1845)
Hawkins, T., 1834. Memoirs of Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri, extinct monsters of the ancient Earth. Relfe and Fletcher, London. 58 p., 28 pls. (Contributed to the Internet by Richard Forrest - The Plesiosaur Site)
Hawkins, T., 1840. The Book of the Great Sea-Dragon, William Pickering, London. (Available on line from Richard Forrest's Plesiosaur.com)
Leidy, J., 1851. [Descriptions of a number of fossil reptilian and mammalian remains]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 5:325-327.
Leidy, J., 1854. [Remarks on exhibiting to the Society four vertebræ of a huge extinct Saurian from Arkansas]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 7(3):72, pl. II. (for meeting of May 23, 1954)
Leidy, J. 1858. [Remarks on the teeth of Mosasaurus]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 9:176.
Leidy, J., 1859. [Xystracanthus, Cladodus and Petalodus from the Carboniferous of Kansas]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 11:3.
Leidy, J., 1865. Memoir on the extinct reptiles of the Cretaceous formations of the United States. Smithsonian Contrib. Knowl. XIV (6) 1-135, pls. I-XX. (Section on Cimoliasaurus magnus and Discosaurus vetustus)
Leidy, J. 1868. [Photographs of fossil bones]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 20:316. (Meeting of December 22, 1868) - Leidy shows photographs of the bones of mosasaur reported to be 70' in length.
Leidy, J., 1870. (Remarks on Elasmosaurus platyurus). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 22:9-10. (for meeting of March 8, 1870) (Picture) Leidy criticizes Cope's reconstruction of Elasmosaurus and states that Cope had put the head on the wrong end.
Leidy, J., 1870. [Remarks on ichthyodorulites and on certain fossil Mammalia.]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 22:12-13. (The description and naming of Xiphactinus audax)
Leidy, J., 1870. On the Elasmosaurus platyurus of Cope. American Journal of Science Series 2, 49(147):392. (for May meeting) (Leidy criticizes Cope's reconstruction)
Leidy, J., 1870. On Discosaurus and its allies. American Journal of Science, Series 2, 50(148):139-140.
Marsh, O. C., 1871. Note on a new and gigantic species of Pterodactyle. American Journal of Science Series 3 1(6):472.
Marsh, O. C., 1872. Discovery of a remarkable fossil bird. American Journal of Science, series 3, 3(13):56-57. (Marsh finds Hesperornis)
Marsh, O. C., 1872. Discovery of a new and remarkable fossil bird. American Journal of Science, Series 3, 4(22):344. (Discovery and naming of Ichthyornis dispar)
Marsh, O. C., 1872. Notice of a new reptile from the Cretaceous. American Journal of Science Series 3. 4(23):406. (The mis-identification of the toothed jaws of Ichthyornis dispar as those of a reptile)
Marsh, O. C., 1872. Discovery of the dermal scutes of mosasaurid reptiles. American Journal of Science Series 3, 16:290-292 (The scleral ring of mosasaurs)
Marsh, O. C., 1872. Notice of a new species of Hadrosaurus. American Journal of Science Series 3, 16:301. ( First dinosaur from the Niobrara Chalk)
Marsh, O. C. 1873. On a new sub-class of fossil birds (Odontornithes). American Journal of Science. Series 3, 5:161-162. (Birds with teeth)
Marsh, O. C., 1876. Principal characters of American pterodactyls. American Journal of Science Series 3, 12(72):479-480.
Marsh, O.C. 1890. Additional characters of the Ceratopsidae, with notice of new Cretaceous dinosaurs. American Journal of Science, Series 3, 39(233): 418-426, with pls. v-vii.
Mechem, A. F. and J. H. Janeway, 1874. Reports of Surgeon A. F. Mechem and Assistant Surgeon J. H. Janeway, United States Army. Excerpt from an official U. S. Army document (?) published in 1874, p 267. (A description of the geology, vegetation, animals and birds around Fort Hays in 1874)
Moodie, R. L., 1912. The "stomach stones" of reptiles. Science 35(897)377-378.
Mudge, B. F., 1874. Rare forms of fish in Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 3:121-122 (Agassizodus tooth plate and Protosphyraena)
Mudge, B. F., 1877. Annual Report of the Committee on Geology, for the year ending November 1, 1876. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, Ninth Annual Meeting, pp. 4-5. (discovery of Uintacrinus socialis in Kansas, Pteranodon, sharks and birds.)
Mudge, B. F. 1879. Are birds derived from dinosaurs? Kansas City Review of Science and Industry 3:224-226.
Osborn, H.F. 1899. A complete mosasaur skeleton, osseous and cartilaginous. Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History 1(4):167-188. (Partial)
Parmenter, C. S. 1899. Fossil turtle cast from the Dakota epoch. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 16:67. (more likely a dinosaur sacrum)
Saint Fond, F. 1799. Head of the Crocodile p. 59-67 (First published history of Mosasaurus hoffmanni); from "Historie Naturelle de la Montage de Saint-Pierre de Maestricht"; Translated from the French by Jean-Michel Benoit.
Snow, F. H., 1878. On the dermal covering of a mosasauroid reptile. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, 6:54-58, Fig. 1-2. (Discovery of mosasaur skin)
Snow, F. H. 1887 On the Discovery of a fossil bird track in the Dakota Sandstone. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 10:3-6.
Sternberg, C. H. 1881. The Niobrara Group. City Review of Science and Industry 5(1):1-4.
Sternberg, C. H., 1884. Directions for collecting vertebrate fossils. Kansas City Review of Science and Industry 8(4):219-221.
Sternberg, Charles H. 1898. Ancient monsters of Kansas. Popular Science News 32:268.
Sternberg, C. H. 1899. The first great roof. Popular Science News 33:126-127, 1 fig.
C. H. 1899. A Kansas mosasaur. Popular Science News
Sternberg, Charles H. 1900. Fossil collector's experiences. Popular Science News 34:34.
Sternberg, Charles H. 1900. The sharks of Kansas. Popular Science News 34:38.
Sternberg, C. H. 1905. Protostega gigas and other Cretaceous reptiles and fishes from the Kansas chalk. Kansas Academy Science, Transactions 19:123-128.
Sternberg, C. H., 1906. Some animals discovered in the fossil beds of Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 20:122-124.
Sternberg, C. H. 1907. My expedition to the Kansas Chalk for 1907. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 21:111-114.
Sternberg, C. H. 1909. An armored dinosaur from the Kansas chalk. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 22: 257-258.
Sternberg, C. H., 1911. In the Niobrara and Laramie Cretaceous. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 23:70-74.
Sternberg, C. H., 1913. Expeditions to the Miocene of Wyoming and the chalk beds of Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 25:45-49. (Papers - Forty-fifth annual meeting, 1912) State Printing Office, Topeka.
Sternberg, C. H., 1922. Explorations of the Permian of Texas and the chalk of Kansas. 1918. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 30(1):119-120.
Sternberg, C. H. 1922. Field work in Kansas and Texas. {1919] Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 30(2):339-348. (Papers - Fifty-second annual meeting, 1920), State Printer, Topeka.
Sternberg, G. F. and M. V. Walker, 1957. Report on a plesiosaur skeleton from western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, 60(1):86-87.
Stewart, A., 1898. Some notes on the genus Saurodon and allied species. Kansas Univ. Quar., vii, A pp. 177-186, with pls. (Introduction only)
Stukely, W., 1719. An account of the impression of the almost entire skeleton of a large animal in very hard stone, lately presented to the Royal Society, from Nottinghamshire. Phil. Trans., 30(360):963-968, 1 pl. (Available as a free .pdf file from www.plesiosaur.com - Courtesy of Richard Forrest) / Citation provided by Earl Manning)
Wagner, G. 1898. On some turtle remains from the Fort Pierre. Kansas University Quarterly 7(4):201-203
Williston, S. W. 1879. "Are birds derived from dinosaurs?" Kansas City Review Science and Industry 3:457-460.
Williston, S. W., 1890. Structure of the plesiosaurian skull. Science 16(407):290. (Discusses features of the skull and turtles)
Williston, S. W., 1891. Kansas mosasaurs. Science. 18(463):345.
Williston, S. W., 1893. An interesting food habit of the plesiosaurs. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 13:121-122, 1 plate. (Gastroliths)
Williston, S. W., 1894. A food habit of the plesiosaurs. The American Naturalist 28(325):50. (Gastroliths)
Williston, S. W. 1894. Notes on Uintacrinus socialis Grinnell. Kansas University Quarterly, 3(1):19-20.
Williston, S. W., 1898. Addenda to Part I. The University Geological Survey of Kansas. 4:28-32. (A brief history of fossil collecting in Kansas)
Williston, S. W., 1898. Birds. The University Geological Survey of Kansas, Part II, 4:43-49, pls.5-8.
Williston, S. W. 1898. Bird Tracks from the Dakota Cretaceous. The University Geological Survey of Kansas, Part II, 4:50-53, Fig. 2.
Williston, S.W. 1899. Some Additional Characters of the Mosasaurs. Kansas University Quarterly 8(1):39-41, 1 pl.
Williston, S. W., 1898. Editorial Notes. Kansas University Quarterly 7(4): 235. (The dorsal fringe on mosasaurs)
Williston, S. W., 1899. A new genus of fishes from the Niobrara Cretaceous. Kansas University Quarterly 8(3):113-115, pl. XXVI. (Leptecodon rectus, novum gen. et. sp.)
Williston, S. W. 1900. Cretaceous fishes: Selachians and Pycnodonts. University Geological Survey Kansas VI pp. 237-256, with pls.
Williston, S. W., 1904. The stomach stones of the plesiosaurs. Science (new series) 22:565.
Williston, S. W., 1914. Water reptiles of the past and present. Chicago University Press. 251 pp. (Free, downloadable .pdf version by the Arment Biological Press)
Williston, S. W. and R. L. Moodie. 1913. New plesiosaurian genus from the Cretaceous of Nebraska. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 24: 120-121.
Credits: A big "Thank you!" to Earl Manning for his 2002 invention of the term, "ePaper", his editorial assistance and his contribution of many 1800s paleontology papers. This page would not have been possible without his help.