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New specimen of shark scavenged dinosaur (hadrosaur) remains from the Smoky Hill Chalk (Upper Coniacian) of western Kansas
Copyright © 2005-2014 by Mike EverhartPage created 06/19/2005Updated 03/08/2014
LEFT: Ginsu sharks (Cretoxyrhina mantelli) on the prowl - Adapted from a portion of a mural in the University of Nebraska State Museum, Lincoln, NE |
On June 2, 2005, I was with Keith Ewell when he discovered what is only the sixth set of dinosaur remains to be documented from the Smoky Hill Chalk of western Kansas. The first remains of a dinosaur found in the chalk, a hadrosaur, were collected by O.C. Marsh in 1871 along the Smoky Hill River in Logan County (see Carpenter, et al., 1995). The second set of remains, a nodosaur (possibly two individuals, see Liggett, 2005) was discovered by Charles Sternberg in 1905 and described by G. R. Wieland in 1909 and 1911. Virgil Cole recovered the remains of another nodosaur in 1930 (Mehl, 1936; Cole, 2007) from southeastern Gove County. This specimen (Niobrarasaurus coleii) was transferred to the Sternberg Museum of Natural History in 2002 (Everhart, 2004) and additional remains were recovered in 2003. J.D. Stewart found the fragmentary remains of still another nodosaur (KUVP 25150) in Rooks County in 1973. The previous most recent discovery of dinosaur remains was made by Shawn Hamm in 2000 when he collected the right radius and ulna of a sub-adult nodosaur from the middle Santonian chalk of Lane County (Everhart and Hamm, 2005). That specimen also preserved evidence of being scavenged by a large shark.
The newest dinosaur specimen (FHSM VP-15824) comes from the lower Smoky Hill Chalk in southeastern Gove County and consists of nine articulated caudal (tail) vertebrae from an adult hadrosaur (credit for the ID goes to Ken Carpenter). The vertebrae were laying on their right side. The most anterior vertebrae (#1 and #2) of the series had partially eroded out and were exposed on the surface of the chalk. The other seven vertebrae were still completely enclosed in the matrix. The specimen is 22 in (55 cm) in length, is from the distal part of the tail and represents an adult animal that was about 10 m in length. There are non-serrated bite marks on both sides of the last vertebrae (#9, see pictures below). The bone surface at both ends of the articulated series are severely eroded and appear to have been partially digested. Consistent with many other specimens of large vertebrates (mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, turtles, etc) from this time period during the deposition of the Smoky Hill Chalk, these remains appear to have been consumed by a large shark, partially digested and then regurgitated. See Everhart and Ewell (2006) for additional information.
Gudger (1949, p. 41) reported finding a cow's skull in the stomach of a modern Tiger shark caught off the coast of Florida, and that " the outer hard smooth layer of the skull bones everywhere had been dissolved leaving only the inner cellular or cancellous material. This in turn was so soft that one could dent it with a finger. The digestive juices of a shark's stomach (presumably chiefly hydrochloric acid) are very concentrated." In another instance, he (ibid., p. 42) reported finding a horse's skull in the stomach of another Tiger shark and that the "outer hard smooth surface of the horse's skull had all been corroded away leaving the cancellous material about the consistency of sponge-rubber."
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LEFT: (LARGE FILE): The red vertebrae indicate the approximate location of the specimen in a drawing of the tail of the Late Cretaceous hadrosaur, Corythosaurus casuarius (adapted from Brown, 1916). |
The new specimen represents the first (and the earliest) remains of a hadrosaur to be collected from the Smoky Hill Chalk in more than 130 years. The type specimen of Claosaurus agilis was found by O.C. Marsh about 50 miles further west, on the north side of the Smoky Hill River, in Logan County, and much higher (a couple million years later) in the chalk. It was also a much smaller individual, estimated by Marsh (1890) to be about 15 feet long. Questions remain in regard to how the remains of these dinosaurs managed to drift hundreds of miles from land before final burial on the bottom of the Western Interior Sea.
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LEFT: Left lateral and dorsal views of the most
complete vertebrae (#5). (Scale = cm) RIGHT: A close-up of vertebrae #5 and #6 with re-attached neural spines. |
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LEFT: For comparison, a series of distal caudal vertebrae (left lateral view) from the type specimen of Niobrarasaurus coleii (FHSM VP-14855) in the collection of the Sternberg Museum of Natural History. RIGHT: Three caudal vertebrae from FHSM VP-14855 in left lateral and dorsal view. (Scale = cm) |
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LEFT: A remains of an isolated and partially digested dorsal mosasaur vertebrae (FHSM VP-16356) in ventral, right lateral and dorsal views, that is comparable in size to the hadrosaur caudal vertebrae above. In this case, however, the vertebra was severely damaged by the digestive fluids and a tip of a shark tooth (circles) remains embedded in the bone. Note the damage to the surface of the bone. The flattened appearance is due mostly to post-mortem crushing. Click here for a close-up of the embedded Cretoxyrhina mantelli tooth (FHSM VP-16357). |
Suggested references:
Brown, B, 1916. Corythosaurus casuarius: Skeleton, musculature and epidermis. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 35: 709-716, pls. xiii-xxii.
Carpenter, K., D. Dilkes, and D. B. Weishampel. 1995. The dinosaurs of the Niobrara Chalk Formation (upper Cretaceous, Kansas). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15(2): 275-297.
Carpenter, K. and Everhart, M. J. 2007. Skull of the ankylosaur Niobrarasaurus coleii (Ankylosauria: Nodosauridae) from the Smoky Hill Chalk (Coniacian) of western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, 110(1/2): 1-9
Cole, V. B. 2007.
Field notes regarding the 1930 discovery of the type specimen of Niobrarasaurus coleii, Gove County, Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 110(1/2): 132-134.Eaton, T. H. Jr., 1960. A new armored dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Kansas. University Kansas Paleontology Contri. 8:1-14, 2 fig. (Silvisaurus)
Everhart, M. J. 2003. First records of plesiosaur remains in the
lower Smoky Hill Chalk Member (Upper Coniacian) of the Niobrara Formation in western
Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 106(3-4): 139-148.
Everhart, M. J. 2004. Late Cretaceous interaction between predators and prey. Evidence of feeding by two species of shark on a mosasaur. PalArch,
vertebrate palaeontology series 1(1): 1-7.
Everhart, M. J. 2004. Notice of the transfer of the holotype specimen of Niobrarasaurus coleii (Ankylosauria; Nodosauridae) to the Sternberg Museum of Natural History. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 107(3-4): 173-174.
Everhart, M. J. 2005. Bite marks on an elasmosaur (Sauropterygia; Plesiosauria) paddle from the Niobrara Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) as probable evidence of feeding by the lamniform shark, Cretoxyrhina mantelli. PalArch, Vertebrate paleontology 2(2): 14-24.
Everhart, Michael J. 2005. Oceans of Kansas - A Natural
History of the Western Interior Sea. Indiana University Press, 320 pp.
Everhart, M. J. and K. Ewell.
2006. Shark-bitten dinosaur (Hadrosauridae) vertebrae from the Niobrara Chalk
(Upper Coniacian) of western Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, 109
(1-2):27-35. (copies available on request in .pdf format)
Everhart, M. J. and S. A. Hamm. 2005. A new nodosaur specimen
(Dinosauria: Nodosauridae) from the Smoky Hill Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) of western Kansas.
Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 108(1/2): 15-21.
Gudger, E.W.
1949. Natural history notes on tiger sharks, Galeocerdo tigrinis, caught in
Key West, Florida with emphasis on food and feeding habits. Copeia 1949: 39-47, pl. 1-2.
Liggett, G. A. 2001. Dinosaurs to Dung Beetles: Expeditions
through time - A guide to the Sternberg Museum of Natural History. Sternberg Museum
of Natural History, Hays, KS. 127 p.
Liggett, G. A. 2005. A review of the dinosaurs from Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science.
Transactions 108(1/2): 1-14.
Lull, R. S., and Wright, N.E. 1942. Hadrosaurian dinosaurs of North America.
Geological Society of America Special Paper 40, xii + 242 p., 90 figs., 31 pls.
Hamm, S. A. and M. J. Everhart. 2001. Notes on the occurrence of
nodosaurs (Ankylosauridae) in the Smoky Hill Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) of western Kansas.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21(suppl. to 3): 58A.
Hattin, D. E. 1982. Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Smoky Hill Chalk
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Marsh, O. C. 1872. Notice of a new species of Hadrosaurus.
American Journal of Science, Series 3, 16: 301.
Marsh, O.C. 1890. Additional characters of the Ceratopsidae, with notice of new Cretaceous dinosaurs. American Journal of Science, Series 3, 39(233): 418-426, with pls. v-vii. (The renaming of Hadrosaurus agilis to Claosaurus agilis)
Mehl, M. G. 1931. Aquatic dinosaur from the Niobrara of western
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Mehl, M. G. 1936. Hierosaurus coleii: a new aquatic dinosaur from the Niobrara
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Parmenter, C. S. 1899. Fossil turtle cast from the Dakota epoch. Kansas Academy of
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Schwimmer, D. R. 1997. Late Cretaceous dinosaurs in eastern
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Stewart, J. D. 1990. Niobrara Formation vertebrate stratigraphy. Pages 19-30, In Bennett,
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